13CrMo4-5, 1.7335, 15121, 12KHM, 15KHM – High temperature steel

13CrMo4-5, 1.7335, 15121, 12KHM, 15KHM – Steel for higher temperatures and pressures. Heat-stable steel, easily formable under heat and while cold, easily machinable, with an increased resistance to hydrogen and corrosion in a steam environment. Ideal for energy and chemical equipment up to 560 °C. Forgings in a refined state are suitable for pressure vessel components up to 350 °C, rolled bars d 20 mm – d 300 mm in stock, forged bars, flat bars to order.

of metallurgical materials
and steel

including non-ferrous structural steels 11 700 (-St 70-2 G, -WNr.1.0070)
20 years
Guarantee of quality and origin